Great Question

A great sidekick for every UX researcher

AI research magic icon

Level up your synthesis and analysis with advanced AI features, powered by GPT-4.

Ask AI for answers to questions
Ask AI

All you have to do is ask

Query entire studies with up to 50 hours of interview data in seconds. It has never been easier to extract insights from research.
Send icon
Ask for specific quotes, insights, or answers to questions.
Report icon
Ask for a custom summary or report.
AI-Assisted Synthesis

Hit the ground running

After every interview, Great Question AI can automatically generate:
Summaries icon
Summaries of key takeaways & themes
Interview chapters icon
Chapters for easy video navigation
Highlight icon
Highlights based on your study goal
Research tag icon
Tags to organize all of your artifacts
AI-Assisted Research Synthesis
Data privacy and traceability for AI-generated responses
Privacy & Traceability

Trust, but verify

Link icon
Every quote is linked to its original transcript, so you can jump to the exact moment it occurred and verify accuracy.
Security icon
Great Question masks PII from AI, so data will never be used by 3rd parties for training future models.
Workflow Integration

Work smarter & faster

Send icon
Query Ask AI in a sidebar as you interact with interviews, transcripts, and studies.
Copy icon
Copy AI responses and share links with your team in one click.
Interview chapters icon
Automatically generate interview summaries and chapters.
AI integration into research workflow
Coming Soon

More advanced features around the corner

Survey icon

Ask AI for surveys

Pull insights, quotes, and summaries from survey results that you can easily share with your team.
Repository icon

Repository-level queries

Search your company’s entire body of research. Easily find customer quotes and see what your team has learned from past studies.
AI chat icon

Richer responses

View in-line video clips in responses, with one click to generate new reels. Detailed citations are provided for every response.
"The automated summaries and chapters perfectly complement the already excellent transcripts. They save me time when checking how an interview went, or synthesizing my own studies. I’m also using Ask AI to query the wealth of our repository of studies conducted in the past couple of years."
Olivier Thereaux headshot
Olivier Thereaux
Director of Product Research
Dashlane logo

What our customers are saying

Olivier Thereaux headshot

"The automated summaries and chapters perfectly complement the already excellent transcripts. They save me time when checking how an interview went, or synthesizing my own studies."

Olivier Thereaux
Director of Product Research
Raz Schwartz headshot

"With Ask AI, we can now get an initial analysis of hours of interviews in minutes. This feature helps our teams move faster when understanding user needs and problems and creating features to address them."

Raz Schwartz
Sr. Director, Design, Research & Content
Boaz Douyon headshot

"The AI Assistant has expedited my data analysis process and streamlined the time to provide early research insights to our organization. Thank you for developing a tool that makes my job easier."

Boaz Douyon
UX Researcher

Try Great Question AI free for 30 days

Frequently asked questions

How do I access Great Question’s AI features?
Great Question AI is currently available to all users for a ‘beta preview’ period. All you need to do is enable AI features and accept the additional terms and conditions in the AI preferences section in settings.
How much does it cost?
Great Question AI is currently available to all users for a ‘beta preview’ period. After that, certain AI features will be available via a paid upgrade for each user.
Why use Great Question’s AI features over other standalone AI tools?
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Meets you where you’re at: Our AI features are thoughtfully designed to augment your existing research workflows on Great Question
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Pre-integrated: Each AI query receives the right data and context it needs to perform the task, resulting in responses that are relevant and high-quality.
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Query large studies: You can easily query large studies with up to 50 hours worth of interview transcripts, something that isn’t possible with tools such as ChatGPT.
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Security and privacy controls built in: Data containing PII is automatically masked by Great Question, and data will not be used by 3rd parties for training future models.
What model does Great Question AI use behind the scenes?
Ask AI is powered by GPT-4, a large language model (LLM) built by OpenAI.
Is any PII sent outside of the Great Question platform?
Speaker names and interview titles are masked by Great Question, so they are not sent to OpenAI. When the AI returns the response, we re-attach this information. We also attempt to remove any PII included in the spoken and transcribed text of interviews.
Will my data be used to train new OpenAI models?
No – we have prohibited the use of any data sent to OpenAI for training models.
Do AI responses contain hallucinations?
Hallucination is rare because we instruct the AI to make statements and quotes from the context document that we supply it with, rather than relying on its internal knowledge from training. We were not able to produce any significant hallucinations in our tests.

When the AI generates quotes, we find the corresponding section of the transcript and hyperlink it, providing assurance that the quote is verbatim.

However, LLMs can make mistakes, so care needs to be taken to check responses before they are published or acted on.
What information is provided to the AI?
It varies between different AI features, but we generally supply anonymised interview transcript excerpts, study metadata (e.g. research goal), and tagged highlights to the AI to produce responses.
Are there usage limits?
Usage of AI features is not limited, but is subject to fair use policies.