
Global user research incentives

Say "thank you" to your participants by automatically sending research incentives to any country.
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global research incentives


Available in over 80 countries, making global studies easier


Let participants pick their incentive type, including donations
capture research findings


Include incentives from the start, know the budget, get the feedback you need
easy to use research platform

Ease of use

Two clicks to send off incentives at the end of a study

Spend control

Set & track incentive budgets
global research incentives


Available in over 80 countries, making global studies easier


Let participants pick their incentive type, including donations
capture research findings


Include incentives from the start, know the budget, get the feedback you need
easy to use research platform

Ease of use

Two clicks to send off incentives at the end of a study

Spend control

Set & track incentive budgets
global research incentives


Available in over 80 countries, making global studies easier


Let participants pick their incentive type, including donations
Use Cases

Used by people who do research

Built for curious, customer-centric teams, trusted by researchers. Our platform is so easy, ANYONE can do great research.
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