Customer Journey Interview Template

Two roads diverged in a wood and I – I took the one less traveled
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What is a customer journey interview?

Customer journey interviews explore the subject of an existing problem that your product or service aims to resolve. They are especially useful at the beginning of product development to understand the context that your product will fit within. The questions focus on an existing journey the customer goes on to solve a problem. These interviews will uncover pain points of the existing journey and opportunities for your product to resolve.

Questions you can answer with a customer journey interview

How are people solving this problem today?

How might the product/service solve this problem?

What pains are associated with the problem today?

Advantages of customer journey interviews

Helps clearly define the problem

Great for messaging clarity

Identify additional opportunities

Disdvantages of customer journey interviews

Could identify too many additional opportunities

Can be difficult to stay focused in the interview

Finding interviewees

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