UX research synthesis, simplified

Turn raw research data into compelling highlights, reels, and insights you can easily share with your team.

Great Question UI displaying collection of Insights, Highlights, and Reels

Analyze research data in one place

Easily recruit participants for your method of choice and synthesize your findings – all in Great Question, your unified research platform.
Select interview transcript text to create video highlights and organize with tags

Synthesis built for you

No matter how you like to analyze research data, you can start with tags and group those into themes or start from raw data and group based on other parameters.
Analyze research data by grouping tags into themes

Turn research data into insights in minutes

In one click, you can edit and organize tags from a study into a theme or organize by the participant, giving you faster insights. Turn that data into highlight reels or add to an insight with a click.

Highlight reels

Create compelling video reels of customer interviews
and make your research come to life.
Great Question UI of a highlight reel for customer discovery calls


Write your research learnings and embed the evidence
to share with your team.
Great Question UI of an insight report for a customer case study

Why Great Question?

Unified solution

Do more parts of the research process in the same place. Recruit, conduct, analyze, and share research from one platform.
Create research artifacts icon

Create compelling artifacts

Turn your long boring interviews into easily digestible video clips or highlight reels.
Ease of use icon


No matter what type of research you run, or how you analyze and synthesize, you can do it easily in Great Question.
Track research impact icon

Track impact

See how your synthesized data is consumed with view counts on highlight reels, clips, and insights.
Share insights icon

Share findings

Use our Slack or Figjam integration to share out clips, highlights, or reels and track who viewed them to understand the impact.
Security badge icon

Secure & Private

Get participant consent from the start and remove PII from artifacts to keep data safe.

Join teams that use unified customer research platform

Start for free

See the all-in-one UX research platform in action