What is a content test survey?
A content test survey enables the evaluation of how successful pieces of content are at communicating the intended message. Content tests can be run during content development or once the content is live to optimize how it is understood. These surveys are especially useful when you know a piece of content is failing but aren't sure why. For instance, maybe a help article is generating lots of calls from people who should be able to find the answer to their question in the article.
To evaluate how people understand the content, they first need to read it. After they’ve read it, present questions to evaluate their understanding. If you have lots of small pieces of content to test you could put them all into a single survey and have a set of questions about each. If you’re evaluating a longer piece of content, keep it to a single piece of content for each survey.
Questions you can answer with a content test survey
Did our message resonate?
Why is this content not working?
Did we achieve our messaging goals?
Advantages of content test surveys
Uncovers misalignment in messages
Can surface additional messages/values
Offers new perspectives on messages
Disadvantages of content test surveys
Qualitative feedback can take time to review
Might also require interviews
Responses can be subjective
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