User Persona Interview Template

And here I thought we knew each other
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What is a user persona interview?

User persona Interviews aim to build an understanding of users, what they are trying to achieve and what challenges they encounter. Persona Interviews are best run alongside persona surveys to understand the ‘why’ behind the ‘what’ that’s learned from the survey. Persona interviews are best run at the beginning of the design process to build understanding and empathy for the users.

Questions you can answer with a user persona interview

Who are the people that use our tool?

What are some of the challenges they encounter during their day to day lives?

How might our solution make their lives easier?

Advantages of user persona interviews

Building a deep understanding of the target audience or user base.

Identify opportunities to address challenges faced by specific personas

Insights gathered can support multiple internal efforts: product roadmap, marketing messaging, sales training, etc.

Disadvantages of user persona interviews

Doesn't collect data from large volumes of people

Time intensive to collect

Analysis of data can be difficult especially if many participants had different or contracting views

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