
Research Methods

Learn more about each study type.

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8 articles by 1 author

Study Templates

Use templates for interviews, emails, and surveys.

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4 articles by 1 author

​Great Question Study Basics

So you're ready to do some research? Let's get you started!

Billy Dowell
Updated by Billy Dowell

​External Participant Recruitment

Recruit participants with third party panels through your Great Question study.

Billy Dowell
Updated by Billy Dowell

Participant Segments

Streamline your participant recruiting using Participant Segments, defining what attributes you are looking for!

Billy Dowell
Updated by Billy Dowell

What is a shortlist and how do I use it?

Creating a list of candidates for that new study.

Billy Dowell
Updated by Billy Dowell

Using the Great Question Scheduling Tool

An indepth look at the scheduling tool.

Billy Dowell
Updated by Billy Dowell

Scheduling FAQs

FAQs about managing your study's participants.

Billy Dowell
Updated by Billy Dowell

Study FAQs

FAQs about managing your studies

Billy Dowell
Updated by Billy Dowell

Screeners and Surveys

Setting up Screener and Survey questions

Billy Dowell
Updated by Billy Dowell

Recruitment Email Statistics

Keep track of email statistics for each study.

Billy Dowell
Updated by Billy Dowell

Participant Management for Panel Studies

Managing your participants within Panel studies

Billy Dowell
Updated by Billy Dowell

Participant Management for Interviews

Managing your participants within Customer Interview studies

Billy Dowell
Updated by Billy Dowell

Participant Management for Focus Groups

Managing your participants within Focus Group studies

Billy Dowell
Updated by Billy Dowell

Participant Management for Surveys

Managing your participants within Survey studies

Billy Dowell
Updated by Billy Dowell

Participant Management for Unmoderated Studies

Managing your participants within Unmoderated studies

Billy Dowell
Updated by Billy Dowell

Participant Management for Online Tasks

Managing your participants within Online Task studies

Billy Dowell
Updated by Billy Dowell

Custom Study Attributes

Use Custom Study Attributes to better organize, categorize, and synthesize your and your team's studies.

Billy Dowell
Updated by Billy Dowell

Time Proposals

Scheduling customer interviews can be hard, but it does not have to be!

Billy Dowell
Updated by Billy Dowell

Observer Rooms

Virtual observer rooms let you invite your whole team to watch customer interviews live, without overwhelming participants.

Billy Dowell
Updated by Billy Dowell

In-Person Interviews

Schedule In-Person Meetings with your participants.

Billy Dowell
Updated by Billy Dowell

Participant Ratings

Using Participant Ratings to identify how well a participant fits your needs.

Billy Dowell
Updated by Billy Dowell
