Table of Contents

Participant Management for Panel Studies

Billy Dowell Updated by Billy Dowell

Managing your participants within Panel studies

Looking for details on the different participant management features? You are in the right place!

There is a lot of great information and helpful tips in this guide, so let's dive in!

Excited gif
Have not published your study yet? Check out our Panel Studies guide.
If you have not already shortlisted your participants, you can refer to our What is a shortlist and how do I use it? guide for more details.

Adding Candidates to Your Study

Please follow this guide.

Email Invitations

Once you've published your study, it's time to start driving participation!

To start sending out those invites:

  1. Check the checkbox next to the name of the participant(s), or click the checkbox next to Name to send to the full list.
  2. Click Compose in the top right of the Participants view.
  3. Click Panel opt-in form.
    1. Optional: Toggle on the option to Send study invites in batches, in order to send emails out at the set number and interval.
      1. Batches help prevent sending too many emails at one time, and help space out the invitations so that you only send out enough emails to fill all available slots for your study. Once all slots have been filled, no more emails will be sent, preserving the rest of your Shortlist.

Once the email has been sent, the participant(s) will be added to an Invited list.

Checking In

After sending those initial communications, it is time to follow up, make adjustments (if needed), or just review settings.

Invitation follow-ups

Participants in the Invited list can be sent reminders, if it has been a while, and you want to try to reengage them.

To do so:

  1. Review your Settings > Automation settings to see if you have Send invitation reminders to candidates who do not respond after 24 hours. enabled.
    1. If so, review the participant's Invited at date, shown in the Invited at column, before manually sending a reminder. An automated one may be going out soon.
    2. If not, proceed to step 2.
  2. Review the participant's Invited at date, shown in the Invited at column, so that you know how long ago they were invited.
  3. If it has been 24+ hours (recommended):
    1. Check the checkbox next to the name of the participant(s), or click the checkbox next to Name to send to the full list.
    2. Click in the top right of the Participants view.
    3. Click Invitation reminder...

Updating Participant Stages

Every list, Shortlisted, Invited, Completed, etc..., has an option to Mark as...

So depending on what stage you are looking at, you will see different options to...

  • Mark as:
    • Shortlisted - places the participant back in the shortlisted list
    • Invited - places the participant in the invited list
    • Completed - places the participant in the completed list and provides a prompt to send the Thank you email
    • Canceled - places the participant in the canceled list and provides a prompt to send a cancelation email
    • No-showed - places the participant in the no-showed list
    • Removed - places the participant in a removed list

How to do it?

  1. Check the checkbox next to the name of the participant(s), or click the checkbox next to Name to send to the full list.
  2. Click (or Mark as..., depending on the list you are looking at) in the top right of the Participants view.
  3. Click the option that you want to set them as.

Completed Panel Sign-up ✨

Participant joined your panel. Time to wrap things up.

Once the participant is done, they are automatically placed in the Completed tab.

When you are ready, you can send out the Thank you email(s).

To do so:

  1. Go to the Completed list.
  2. Check the checkbox next to the name of the participant(s), or click the checkbox next to Name to send to the full list.
  3. Click Send thanks in the top right of the Participants view.
  4. Ensure the email content is correct.
  5. Click Send thanks.

After marking users as completed, you will see a status next to their name that either says Completed.

Helpful Tips

Need to export your participant's responses from your signup form?

  1. Click Repository on the left-side menu.
  2. Click on Summary responses or Individual responses.
    1. Either page will provide the same results.
  3. Click Export to CSV.

Have Questions?

Please reach out to us in the chat or at [email protected]!

How did we do?

Recruitment Email Statistics

Participant Management for Interviews
