Table of Contents
Exporting Candidates
by Billy Dowell
Exporting Candidates from Great Question
If you need to pull your list of candidates, or even just a portion, you can do so from the Candidates page.
Only users with Admin level permissions can export candidates.
How to export candidates

- Go to the Candidates page.
- Optional: Apply, or remove, any filters you want to filter your candidates by.
- Optional: Apply, or remove, any columns you want to include in the export.
- Columns that are not shown will not be included. (i.e., if Email is not displayed as a column, that data will not be in the export)
- Select the candidates that you want to export by checking the box to the left of their name, or by checking the box to the left of Name, at the top of the list.
- Once you have all candidates selected that you want to export, click on Export CSV at the top right.
- Review the modal to confirm and click Export CSV when ready.
- An email will be sent that contains a link.
- Once the email has been received, click on the Download CSV file button.
- As stated in the email, the link does expire in two weeks.
- The file will be added to your downloads and ready for review.
- If the file is not automatically added to your downloads, please check your popup/ad blocker. Alternatively, copy the link from the button and paste it into a new tab.
Exporting participants of a study

- Open the study that you want to export from.
- Select the Participants tab (if not already there) and choose which sub-tab you want to export from. (i.e., Shortlisted, Invited, Completed, etc...)
- Optional: Apply, or remove, any filters you want to filter your candidates by.
- Optional: Apply, or remove, any columns you want to include in the export.
- Columns that are not shown will not be included. (i.e., if Email is not displayed as a column, that data will not be in the export)
- Select the participants that you want to export by checking the box to the left of their name, or by checking the box to the left of Name, at the top of the list.
- Once you have all participants selected that you want to export, click on Export CSV at the top right.
- The file will be added to your downloads and ready for review.
Have Questions?
Please reach out to us in the chat or at [email protected]!