
What is the candidate profile?

Keep track of all your candidate details.

Billy Dowell
Updated by Billy Dowell

Candidate Attributes

Add details to your candidates that will help with getting them involved with the right studies.

Billy Dowell
Updated by Billy Dowell

How do I search for a candidate?

Looking for that special someone for your next study?

Billy Dowell
Updated by Billy Dowell

How do I add candidates to my study?

Adding candidates while in a study.

Billy Dowell
Updated by Billy Dowell

Exporting Candidates

How to export candidates from Great Question

Billy Dowell
Updated by Billy Dowell

Candidate Opt-In Options

Candidates can choose to opt in or opt out of research at any time.

Billy Dowell
Updated by Billy Dowell

Using URL Parameters

Prefill Fields with Custom Attributes and use for tracking/source URLs

Billy Dowell
Updated by Billy Dowell
