Table of Contents

Recruitment Email Statistics

Billy Dowell Updated by Billy Dowell

Keep track of email statistics for each study

You can track your study's email performance by reviewing the details in the Stats tab of your study.

Where to find Stats

  1. Select the study that you want to review the statistics for.
  2. Click Stats

What are the different statistics?

The statistics that you see depend on the study type and what emails have been sent.

  • Interview studies
    • Participation invites, Participation invite reminders, Screener invites, Booked confirmations, Booked reminders, Booking reschedule requests, Thanks messages, Interviews cancelled
  • Survey studies
    • Participation invites, Participation invite reminders, Started reminders, Thanks messages, Tasks cancelled
  • Unmoderated studies
    • Participation invites, Participation invite reminders, Started reminders, Thanks messages
  • Panel Studies
    • Participation invites, Thanks messages, Welcome messages
Email Stats

What metrics are shown per statistic?

Each stat has Sent, Opened, Clicked, and Completed (Scheduled for Participation invites)

  • Sent: Email has been sent to the participant.
  • Opened: Participant has opened the email.
  • Clicked: Participant has clicked an actionable item in the email.
  • Completed: Actionable item from email has been completed.
  • Scheduled: Interview has been scheduled.

Email Logs

Within each email section, you can use the View Detail option to see participant specific statistics.

Email Logs Table
  1. Click View detail for the email type that you want to see the details for.
  2. Optional: Click on the Add column ➕ button to add or remove columns.
    1. All columns are shown by default.
      Email Logs Column Options
  3. Optional: Use the Filter option to filter results by the same options represented as columns.
Email Logs Filter Options
  1. Optional: Use the Search feature to search by participant name or email.
  2. Optional: Use the View settings to change the control how the data is displayed.
Email Logs Facts

Column data cannot be edited from this table.

The candidate profile can be viewed by clicking on their name, same as other candidate/participant tables.

Have Questions?

Please reach out to us in the chat or at [email protected]!

How did we do?

Screeners and Surveys

Participant Management for Panel Studies
