Table of Contents
Unmoderated Prototype Testing
by Billy Dowell
Using Unmoderated Tests - Prototype Testing
Need to conduct some unmoderated research?
Let's get you started!
Study Creation
First things first, you have to draft a study and get it ready to publish.

Create the Study
- Click New study + at the top of the left sidebar menu. OR click New study in the top right corner, if in the Studies page.
- Select Unmoderated prototype test.
Set the Plan
- Name your study via the Study title.
- By default, you will see the title as "Untitled study type (current date)"
- Optional: Change the study owner if you are creating this study on behalf of another team member by clicking on the Add Collaborator icon to the right of the study title.
- Optional: Add a description for the Research goal.
- Set your Participant limit.
- Toggle on the Recruit external candidates BETA feature if you want to recruit participants outside your panel. If not, leave the toggle off.
- Toggling this feature on or off does add or remove a tab called Recruiting, at the top, and automatically enables the Incentives and Screener toggles.
- When Incentives are enabled, the minimum inventive amount is set to $5, which is required by Respondent.
- Check out our External Participant Recruitment guide for more information on this feature and how to set it up.
- Leave the incentive toggled on if you want to offer an incentive. If not, flip the toggle off.
- Choose your incentive method.
- By default, you will see that Money or gift card is selected.
- Update the value that you want EACH participant to receive, if using Money or gift card.
- Your total funds required will be shown on the Review page.
- More on that step below.
- Choose whether you want to fund the study Through Great Question or Outside of Great Question.
- We partner with Tremendous to send incentives. To see what options are available for your participants, you can review Tremendous' catalog, searching by gift type, country, or currency.
- If choosing something other than Money or gift card, follow the prompts that are now shown.
- Choose your incentive method.

- Leave the Screener toggle off if no screener is necessary. If you do want a screener, flip the toggle on.
- Toggling the screener on or off does add or remove a tab called Screener, at the top. More on screeners below.
- Select your preferred Consent form option.
- User the Preview button to see what your participants will see, based on the selected consent form option.

- Optional: Click on Show additional setup to see more settings, such as:
- Custom study attributes: More on study attributes here.
- Automatically release participant slots: Determine when slots should be reopened after someone has started their participation.
- If a participant starts your study but does not finish within the specified time, their slot will be released. If they eventually attempt to complete the study they will still be able to do so. This can result in more participants being able to complete than your participant limit is set for.
- 1 hour is the default setting for all studies.
- Participant experience language to change the preferred language.
- Click Next.
Create the Screener questions
- Start by deciding the type of question/answers, and typing up your first question.
- Example: “Do you like donuts?” would most likely be a Yes/No question. “What type of donuts do you like?” could be Multi Select, where answers would need to be typed out, or could be Short Text, which allows the participant to type their answer.
- Changing the question type will not affect your typed out question, but can affect your typed out answer choices.
- Then create the answers, if needed.
- If you want the question to be required, to prevent the participant from skipping the question, toggle on the Required option at the top right of the question.
- Click Attribute and select/create an attribute if you want their reply to be created as an attribute value that will get added to their profile.
- More on candidate attributes here.

- To duplicate the question, click on the Duplicate icon next to Required.
- To add more questions, click on the + under the first/previous question.
- To rearrange questions, click on the ⁝⁝ button in the top left of any question and drag and drop in the desired order.
- Click Skip logic to apply skip logic to each question, as needed.
- See Skip Logic and how to use it, for more details and steps.

- Question templates, or previously used questions, can also be viewed and used by clicking on Library in the top right corner, just under the Review tab (depending on screen size), and selecting the respective tab in the Library slideout.

- Optional: Preview your screener by clicking on Preview in the top-right corner next to Library.
- Testing your screener from the preview will not submit anything to your study.

Set up your test - Welcome and Permissions
Update the Title and Description for your Welcome and Permissions blocks.
- The title can be an introduction, question, or anything else that you think would be fitting for the first item they see for the test.
- The description should provide brief information highlighting what they will be doing during the test.
- Select the Welcome block, if not already there.
- Optional: Update the Title.
- "Welcome" is the default title.
- Recommended: Update the Description.
- The description is not required, but is recommended to provide as much helpful information and direction as possible.
- Optional: Use the Preview button in the top right corner to see what the participant will see.
- Optional: Update the Title.

- Select the Permissions block.
- Optional: Update the Title.
- "Permissions" is the default title.
- Recommended: Update the Description.
- The description is not required, but is recommended to provide as much helpful information and direction as possible.
- Select which type of device your test will need to be conducted on.
- Desktop (default)
- Can be conducted on a dekstop or laptop.
- Can be conducted on a dekstop or laptop.
- Mobile
- Can be conducted on smartphones and tablets.
- Due to screen recording limits on mobile devices, the screen sharing will not be available. The recording will only include microphone and camera.
- Desktop (default)
- Optional: Use the Preview button in the top right corner to see what the participant will see.
- You will need to click past the welcome step.
- The Enable buttons in the preview are not functional and are there to give you an idea of what the participant will see.
- Optional: Update the Title.
- Move on to...
- Set up your test - Prototype testing if you want to use the prototype test block as the next step in your test.
- Unmoderated Website Testing (new article) if you want to use website testing as the next step in your test.
- Unmoderated Card Sorting (new article) if you want to use the card sorting block as the next step in your test.
- Set up your test - Other if you want to use other question types before the Prototype test.
Set up your test - Prototype testing
The Prototype test block is where you are going to import your Figma prototype and set up the flow that you want your participants to follow.
- Select the Prototype test block, if not already there.
- Update the Title.
- The title should be your question or task that you want the participant to complete during this step.
- Recommended: Update the Description.
- The description is used to provide as much helpful information and direction as possible that will be useful in completing the task.

- Click + Add prototype to insert your prototype link.
- If this is the first time, you will be prompted to connect your Figma account.
- Review the modal that shows in the middle of the screen and click Connect.
- Review the popup that shows in a new window, confirm the email address shown is correct to ensure the right account is connected, and click Allow access.
- If the email is not correct, click Switch accounts.
- A new Add prototype modal will show, allowing you to paste in the link to your prototype.

- Paste in the link to your prototype and click Import.
- Once imported, your prototype will be shown in a new Success section.
- Click on the START box in the Success section.
- Find the starting point of your prototype in the Select start screen modal and click Set as start screen.

- Click on the END box in the Success section.
- Find the end point for this step/task of your prototype in the Select goal screen modal and click Set as goal screen.
- This end point does not need to be the end of your prototype. It can be the first step that needs to be completed, such as searching for a flight. Additional prototype test blocks can be added to continue to the next step of your prototype.

- Add another Prototype test block as needed for additional steps and tasks.
- Once added, repeat the steps above.

- Alternatively, you can use the ⋯ menu to duplicate your prototype test and update the details as needed.

- Optional: Click on the ⁝⁝ drag and drop icon to rearragne your blocks.

- Update your Thank you block.
- Optional: Update the Title.
- "Thank you" is the default title.
- Optional: Update the Description.
- The description can be used to provide a more detailed thank you message.
- Optional: Update the Title.

- Move on to..
- Unmoderated Website Testing (new article) if you want to use website testing as the next step in your test.
- Unmoderated Card Sorting (new article) if you want to use the card sorting block as the next step in your test.
- Set up your test - Other if you want to use other question types.
- Review if you are not planning to add any other tasks.
Set up your test - Other
- Click on + Add block.
- Review the other options in the list and add the question type that you want to show in your test.
- These options are the same as the questions types that you see for screeners and surveys, minus the Info question type.

- Update the Title.
- The title should be the question that you want to ask.
- Optional: Update the Description.
- The description for other question types is used to provide information that could be helpful in answering the question, or information about available answer choices.
- Optional: Toggle on the Required option if you want participants to be required to answer before proceeding to the next question or step.
- If using a question type that requires answer choices to be filled out in the Response section, fill those out.
- These include: Multi Select, Linear Scale, and Single Select

- If using any other question type, the participant will fill out the Response section.

- Optional: Use the Preview button in the top right corner to see what the participant will see.
- You will need to click past the previous steps to see each added question.
- Optional: Click on the ⁝⁝ drag and drop icon to rearragne your blocks.

- Update your Thank you block.
- Optional: Update the Title.
- "Thank you" is the default title.
- Optional: Update the Description.
- The description can be used to provide a more detailed thank you message.
- Optional: Update the Title.

- Move on to..
- Review if you are done adding your tasks.
- Set up your test - Prototype testing if you want to use another prototype test block as the next step in your test.
- Unmoderated Website Testing (new article) if you want to use website testing as the next step in your test.
- Unmoderated Card Sorting (new article) if you want to use the card sorting block as the next step in your test.
- Set up your test - Other if you want to use other question types.
- Review the details of your study. You should see all green checkmarks.
- If you added an incentive but did not use Money or gift card, you will not see any incentive details to review.
- If you added an incentive, used Money or gift card, and chose Outside of Great Question, you will not see any incentive details to review.
- If you added an incentive, used Money or gift card, and chose Through Great Question, you will see the amount of funds needed for the study.
- If a step does not have a green checkmark, review the details as to why, and click on the edit icon to go back to that step's page and make the required updates.

- Once everything is all green, review the incentives budget to confirm everything looks correct, based on the details in the Incentives Budget section.
- Click Create or Create & Fund $$$.
- If you are funding your incentives through Great Question, you will be prompted to select a funding method and add funds.
- Done! Study published! 🙌
Incentives Budget
The incentives budget is calculated by the number of participants you want to talk to and the total incentive amount per participant.
- Example: If you have a participant limit of 5, an incentive amount of $5, the budget will be $25.
- 5 participants times the $5 incentive.
Post Publish Features
Once your study has been published, you will see a few more features to review.
Please also check out our blog post for some great information and best practices: How to set & achieve research goals without a research team.
Sections below are in the order of the menu options within the study and image below.

To make notes and recording research findings about your study, you can use the Overview tab.
- Changes are automatically saved.
Similar to the plan during the drafting phase above.
- Offer an incentive is the only option that cannot be changed once invitations have been sent to participants.
- To manage incentives before invitations are sent:
- If you are already in the Plan, click Manage incentives under Incentives.
- You can also click on Incentives on the left-side menu, if you are not already in the Plan.
- Click Edit and update the incentive options as needed.
- Click Save.
- Review details in the popup modal and select the funding method.
- Click Confirm.
- If you are already in the Plan, click Manage incentives under Incentives.

If you need to review or edit your screener, you can make any changes in the Screener tab.
- If you decide to add a screener later, toggle on the screener option in the Plan tab.
To make edits, just start making changes as needed. All changes are saved automatically and noted by a green popup.
- Reminder: Preview your study by clicking on Preview, in the top right corner, next to Library.
See Screener Responses below to see where to find the screener data.
See the options below and reference the one(s) needed:
- Set up your test - Prototype testing if you are or want to use the prototype testing.
- Unmoderated Website Testing (new article) if you are or want to use website testing.
- Unmoderated Card Sorting (new article) if you are or want to use the card sort testing.
- Set up your test - Other if you want to use other question types in your test.
This is where all of your study's emails live, and is where you can preview and edit them.

Button layout may be different depending on screen and window size
Updates to the study email templates do not change the templates that are saved in Email templates.
Each email has the option to be changed from Branded HTML Layout to Rich Text Format (RTF) via the Email Design dropdown.
- At this time, this must be done for each email type, per study. There is no bulk option for all emails on a study, and no bulk option to apply across all studies for the account.
- The Email Design can also be changed per email as you are getting ready to send, vs changing the study's default.

Within invitation email templates, you will see study.live_stream_disclaimer
. The disclaimer is in all default invitation email templates, but is only applied to Customer Interview, Continuous Interview, and Focus Group studies.
Preview your emails by clicking the Preview button, next to Save changes.
- If you have made any edits, save them first, and then preview. Only saved changes will show in the preview.
- Send myself a test email will send a preview email that will say
in the subject line.- These emails do not contain active links for the CTA, and are for reviewing purposes only.
- The text "This email is intended for:..." is not included in the real emails that are sent to your participants.
- View in browser will open a preview in a new tab, and is used to review the body of the email.

You can review and edit your landing page.
- Landing page is what participants will see when being invited to the study via email, or when sent the link via the Invite via link option.
Edit the landing page by clicking the Edit button.
- Changes are saved when clicking Save changes in the top right corner of the edit view.
- At this time, the options with checkboxes cannot be edited, but can be hidden when unchecked.

Button layout may be different depending on screen and window size
This is where you will be able to add candidates to your shortlist, manage your participants, and track their progress.
- The Participants tab is your default landing space when opening a study, but you can also get back to it by clicking on Participants.
- To start, you can add candidates to your shortlist via the three options that are shown.
- Or by using Participant Segments.
- The sub-tabs you see are based on what invitations have been sent and the status of the participants.
- Possible options are: Shortlisted, Sent screener, Applied, Invited, Completed, Canceled, Removed, Opted out.
- Example: Applied will show once a participant has completed a screener and has been move to the applied status.

Button layout may be different depending on screen and window size
When sending emails to multiple participants, you can choose to send emails in batches and/or send continuous invites as slots become available.
- Batch invites send a set number of emails at a set interval, and will send them all out until the batch is complete, or until the all available slots are full.
- Example: You can choose to send 2 invites every 4 hours until the batch is complete, or the slots are full.
- These invites will not start again as slots become available if this setting is used on its own.
- Continuous invites send out emails based on the group of participants selected, and will send until all available slots are full. Once more slots become available, emails will start going out again to the remaining participants from the original selected group.
- Example: Invites will start going out again when slots become available due to participant limit updates.
- These options are not available for Screener Invites at this time. Only for sending Participant invites.

Screener Responses
Sub-tabs shown (once there are replies) are:
- Summary: results of participant responses
- Individual: individual participant responses (shown as participants submit screeners)

Button layout may be different depending on screen and window size
Use the Export to CSV button to export your participants' screener response data into a CSV file.
- The file will be sent to your device's downloads folder, or the folder that you have specified via your browser.
- The export includes the same data when clicked from either page.
Recruitment Requests
Review or setup new external participant requests here.
- Check out our External Participant Recruitment guide for more information on this feature and how to set it up.

Button layout may be different depending on screen and window size
Review your study's email stats and performance.
- More information on this feature in our Recruitment Email Statistics guide.

Create and manage study and global tags that apply to your study's research results.
- More on Tags in our All about managing tags guide.

The synthesis section allows you to add your highlights into themed groups of learnings, enabling better extraction of research insights.
- More in our Synthesis guide.

This is the study level repository. Review your study's insights, reels, highlights, and interviews that are specific to the study you are viewing.
- Each can be viewed by their respective sub-tab, or all at once in the All sub-tab.
- Use the Search, Filter, and View options to narrow down your results, and change how they are displayed and sorted.
- Click on New to create a new insight, video upload (interview room), or reel.
- All of this data can also be found in the full Repository.
- Success - Percentage of responses that reached the goal screen
- Incomplete - Percentage of responses that failed to reach the goal screen
- Avg clicks to goal - Average number of clicks it took to reach the goal screen
- Misclick rate - The number of clicks outside hotspots or clickable areas (e.g. buttons or links that trigger actions) as a percentage of total clicks
- Avg duration - How long it took users to reach the goal screen, on average
Button layout may be different depending on screen and window size
Review the different options that you want to automatically happen, such as marking a participant as completed and sending them their incentive (if incentives are enabled).
- As seen in the example below, these options are disabled by default, except for Create an internal calendar event for new bookings, which is the same as an "Observer event", in situations where you have not added an observer yet, but still want a separate event to share.
- At this time, there is no automated reminder email for screener invites. Screener reminders must be sent manually by checking the user's name(s), clicking Compose, and then Resend screener...

Review the different notification options that you would like to receive via email.
- Some notifications only show depending on enabled settings, such as incentives and screeners.
- All options are enabled by default.
- If you have Slack integrated, you will see another section for these notifications as well.

Have Questions?
Please reach out to us in the chat or at [email protected]!